這部片叫,Forgetting Sarah Marshall, 是Knocked up和40-year-old Virgin的導演導的。
Forgetting Sarah Marshall is yet another crowd-pleasing comedy like The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up and Superbad that will make you laugh and squirm the whole way through - usually at the same time. It has just the right balance of the salty and the sweet. It also signals an introduction of sorts to a couple of engaging talents.
Jason Segel, co-star of Apatow's Knocked Up and Freaks and Geeks and the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, settles comfortably into his first screenplay and first leading role. Drawing on his own experiences, Segel plays a big, lovable puppy dog of a guy who gets dumped when he's most vulnerable by his TV-star girlfriend, Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). His unabashed full-frontal nudity in this scene has been the stuff of legend for weeks before the film's opening; you do have to give him credit for showing such, um, confidence.
And then there's Russell Brand, a British standup comic who will probably be new to American audiences, but not for long. He runs away with this movie - tough to do, since it's populated with big personalities - as a preening rock star who is less vapid and more verbal than he initially appears. Segel has given Brand most of the movie's wittiest lines and since improvisation rules on an Apatow set, Brand and the rest of the cast were free to bounce off each other with reckless abandon.
外頭白呼呼的雪, (可憐的大B去暖車)